Ironically, the difference between numbers 1 and 2 could be as small as 1 digit or as much as hundreds of digits, depending on perspective or who you ask. I’m sure you’re wondering how 1,2,3 fits into a startup ecosystem.
Solving the world’s problems will not be achieved via a single approach. They require a multifaceted, multipronged approach. The world’s problems are not isolated from each other. For example, climate change doesn’t just affect food production, it affects air quality, natural disaster, employment amongst other things.
For years, people have tried and failed to solve these problems in isolation. Rather than seeking a collective approach, I digress. Startups are establishments that seek to solve various problems facing humanity. A Startup ecosystem is an interdependent network of people, startups or resources, in their various stages in a location (physical or virtual), interacting as a system to create and scale new startup companies.
An ecosystem can foster a well-rounded approach to a problem. In an ecosystem, a problem is looked at from different perspectives and solutions are proffered to solve the problem wholly. This gives room for more startups to be part of the solution.
The scattergun approach to solving problems has created solutions that appear only as panacea only to be overcome by the shortsightedness of the approach. Collective approach to problem solving will always remain the best way out of the current economic and sociocultural quagmire.